Learning how to design florals, even just as a hobby, can be intimidating at first. It’s hard to know where to start and how to improve. Here are some basic steps to get you started!

Start Small
The best way to get into floral design is starting simple. Play around with flowers from your garden or blooms from the market. Don’t expect to be perfect the first time you try it. Give yourself time and opportunities to get comfortable with flowers. Learn more about them and find what interests you.

Find Inspiration
One of the things that has helped me the very most is finding other floral designs that I love and figuring out what styles and combinations catch my eye. I then use some of those interest and make something based off of them. Seeking inspiration from others in your field is a great way to learn new skills and branch out. It can give you great ideas and new concept to add into your designs.

Color Combinations
A very important skill to acquire when starting floral design is creating appealing color combinations. This can be tricky because there is so many different options and everyone has a different opinion on them. My best piece of advice is choose what you like and what you’re excited to work with. People will come to you because of your unique style and color pallets (which we’ll get to soon) so work with colors that help you express your creative vision.

Black hole
When it comes to the mechanics of arranging, it takes practice practice practice. Watching YouTube videos is a great way to visually learn how to arrange. I had a boss once who told me there is a black hole at the center of your designs and every stem should be pointing to that hole. This creates a put together, easy on the eyes design.

Find your Passion
Like I mentioned before, the most important part of floral design is creating things you are passionate about. Find your niche and stick with it. You can always be learning and adjusting, but never be afraid to have your own style. People will be drawn to your unique style and not only will you be able to do what you love, but you’ll be able to do it with your own personal flare. There is nothing better than creating things you are proud of and reflect your artistic vision.

Ultimately, whatever you choose to do with you interest in floral design, do something you love. Do what makes you happy and keep learning how to do it better and better. There is always more we can learn and share with one another to become better floral designer.